Perbedaan Comparative dan Superlative Degree Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Perbedaan Comparative dan Superlative Degree Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

Dalam bahasa Inggris kita mengenal istilah Comparative Degree dan Superlative Degree. Dengan menggunakan Comparative Degree kita bisa mengungkapkan parihal perbandingan yang ada diantara dua orang atau lebih sedangkan Superlative Degree digunakan untuk menyatakan sifat seseorang atau sesuatu yang paling menonjol. Berikut ini perbedaan antara the comparative degree dan juga the superlative degree.

No. Perbedaan The comparative degree The superlative degree
1. Rumus Subject 1 + to be + adjective (er) + than + subject 2
Subject 1 + to be + more adjective + than + subject 2
Subject + to be + the adjective (est)
Subject 1 + to be + the most adjective
2. Kegunaan Digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah perbandingan antara 2 (dua) orang atau benda khususnya segi sifatnya (adjective) Digunakan untuk menyatakan sifat (adjective)orang atau benda khususnya untuk menyatakan sifat yang paling menonjol dari keseluruhan yang ada
3. Subject Biasanya hanya membandingan diantara 2 (Dua) orang Biasanya menyertakan keteranagn keseluruhan, namun hanya 1 (Satu) benda maupun orang
4. Contoh Kalimat 
  • My father is elder than your father
  • We are earlier o come to school than them
  • I am more interested in dancing than singing
  • Yolanda is cleverer in physic than in chemistry
  • Ignatius is more handsome than his younger brother
  • Charisma is the most discipline student in our class
  • You are the funniest by in our school, whatever your speak, everyone will laugh on you
  • My last teacher was clearest in giving the explanation
  • Yuki is the calmest in our class
  • Oggy is the most attractive dancer

Perhatikan kalimat berikut ini. Kemudian berikan sebuah kalimat berbentuk the comparative degree dan juga superlative degree berdasarkan ilustrasinya.

  1. I have three sister. The first sister is 21 years old, her name is Mulan. Then the second sister is Uswatun who is 16 years old and my last sister is 7 years old, and I am 10 years old.
  2. Theo buys 6 kilos of egg, Mr. Robinson buys 5 kilos of egg and Mr. Yohan buys 3 kilos of egg
  3. Beniqno sells the shoes around 8 pairs of shoes, Unaya sells the shoes around 6 pairs of shoes and also Onnah sells the shoes around 4 pairs of shoes
  4. Herdiyansyah looks elder than his younger brother after getting sick for a year
  5. Every day, there will be a newer one. But I think the best moment when I got 100 in mathematic
  6. Giovany gets the first winner in the painting competition, his painting is more colorful than others.
  7. Lucky wrote the most romantic letter in the letter writing scoring
  8. We have to give better innovation in our meeting
  9. No one can make better than you, they don’t do as good as you
  10. I have heard that the lowest score will be given the next exmination

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