Expression Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction Lengkap dengan Contoh Percakapannya

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Expression Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction Lengkap dengan Contoh Percakapannya


Hi, How are you Sahabat SBI (Study bahasa Inggris) ? Semoga dalam keadaan sehat selalu, amen. Sahabat SBI, sudah tahukah kalian bagaimana cara mengungkapkan kepuasan atau ketidakpuasan akan sesuatu hal dalam bahasa Inggris ? karena saya percaya, kita semua pasti sering menyatakan kepuasan atau ketidakpuasan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ungkapan rasa puas atau tidak puas merupakan sesuatu yang lumrah dalam kehidupan ini. Di bawah ini merupakan contoh percakapan menggunakan expression satisfaction and dissatisfaction, Yuk kita pelajari lebih lengkap ……

[su_box title=”Asking about satisfaction and dissatisfaction : ” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#31c6d1″ radius=”1″]

How do you like your room?

Is everything O.K?

Is everything satisfactory?

Are you satisfied?

Did you find our service satisfactory?

Do you want to complain about something?

Was something not to your satisfaction?

Are you dissatisfied with something?


Expressing Satisfaction: expressing good feeling; sense of comfort or happiness. Use to express satisfaction. When we are happy after we see a concert and we are really contented with the performance, when we are happy about our result of exam we must feel satisfied.

The expression that you can use:

A.Formal Situations :

. …to be + very pleased with …

. … to be + content with …

. … to be + satisfied with …

. … to be + very delighted …

B. Informal Situations :

  1. Super!
  2. Great!
  3. Terrific!
  4. Fantastic!
  5. Smashing!
  6. Perfect!
  7. Everything is fine.
  8. Good enough.

[su_spoiler title=”Example dialog Expressing Satisfaction :” open=”yes” style=”simple” icon=”caret”]

Putri         : How’s your vacation in Lombok, Yuli ?

Yuli          : It was  terrific! The beaches are beautiful.

Putri         : Really? What else did you do there?

Yuli          : Oh, I went parasailing! It was the most breath-taking thing that I’ve ever done.

Agnes       : Wow, it must be a very fun trip for you.

Putri         : Yes,I’m very satisfied with my vacation there. You must  go there.

Yuli          : Yes, I think I’ll do that


[su_box title=”Expressing satisfaction :” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#31c6d1″ radius=”1″]

I really like my new haircut.

I’m completely satisfied with everything you’ve done for me.

It was satisfactory.

Everything is fine, thank you.

Everything was just perfect.

I’m happy enough with it.

It was okay. Not too bad

Good enough.

I really like my new hair cut

I’m completely satisfied with everything you’ve done for me.

It was satisfactory.

It was okay. Not too bad


Expressing Dissatisfaction: expressing lack of satisfaction. Use to express dissatisfaction. When we do not get as enough as we hope and feel disappointed with some conditions, we must be dissatisfied.

The expression that you can use:

A. Formal Situations :

. … to be + displeased with …

. … to be + discontented with …

. … to be + dissatisfied with …

. … to be + disappointed with …

I’m not satisfied with…

B. Informal Situations :

  1. Horrible!
  2. Very sad!
  3. Annoying!
  4. Disappointing!
  5. Frustrating!

[su_spoiler title=”Example dialog Expressing Dissatisfaction :” open=”yes” style=”simple” icon=”caret”]

Tiara   : Tata, I thought you were on vacation.

Tata    : Well, I got back early.

Tiara   : Why?

Tata    : Well, I didn’t really enjoy being there.

Tiara   : What happened?

Tata    : Well, the beach was very dirty, and when I got there it was raining heavily. What made it worse was the hotel where I  stayed had a bad service.

Tiara   : You seem to be unhappy with your vacation.

Tata    : Yes, I’m quite displeased about it


[su_box title=”Expressing dissatisfaction :” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#31c6d1″ radius=”1″]

I am little dissatisfied with the service here.

I am a bit disappointed with the program.

The food was lousy.

I’m tired of working here.

I don’t like the color.

I have a complaint.

I’m very dissatisfied with the condition.

I want to make a complaint.

It is disappointing that.!

It is unacceptable

This is the limit I won’t take any more of…

Well, this is most unsatisfactory.

The concert is so boring.

What an awful meeting

It’s not as good as I thought.

Responding Dissatisfaction :

I see.

I’m sorry to hear that.

I’ll look into it.

I’ll see what I can do about it.

I’ll try and take care of it.


Vocabularies related to expressing satisfaction

Satisfy   (verb)           =   membuat kepuasan
Satisfaction (noun)     =   kepuasan
Satisfied    (adj.)        =   puas
Satisfying   (adj.)        =   yang memuaskan
Satisfactory (adj.)       =   yang   puas
Contented  (adj.)        =   puas
Pleased      (adj.)        =   senang


Vocabularies related to expressing dissatisfaction

Dissatisfy                (verb)               =   tidak membuat puas
Dissatisfaction       (noun)               =   ketidak puasan
Dissatisfied             (adj.)                =   tidak puas
Dissatisfying           (adj.)                =   tidak memuaskan
Dissatisfactory       (adj.)                 =   tidak memuaskan
Discontented          (adj.)                 =   tidak puas
Displeased              (adj.)                 =   tidak senang


Sudah pahamkah Sahabat SBI (Study bahasa Inggris) tentang penggunaan expression satisfaction and dissatisfaction ?  Ayo belajar terus ya Sahabat SBI, “Orang berilmu terlihat besar, meskipun ia masih Remaja”.

Originally posted 2024-05-04 01:09:00.