Contoh Recount Text Tentang Experience Atau Pengalaman “Talking About Football Experience” Beserta Contoh Soal Dan Jawaban

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Contoh Recount Text Tentang Experience Atau Pengalaman “Talking About Football Experience” Beserta Contoh Soal Dan Jawaban

Hi, Guys! How are you?

Siapa yang hobinya main bola? angkat tangannya!!!

“Bola” tidak hanya digemari oleh kamu adam lo kawan, kaum hawa juga banyak juga yang menyukainya hingga bela-belain nonton bola tengah malam dan pergi ke stadion juga… Banyak alasan akan kesukaan yang mereka rasakan, yang perlu di perhatikan permainan bola itu menjunjung tinggi sportivitas.

Nah, kali ini kita akan membahasa tentang Recount text tentang Experience atau pengalaman. Berikut ini si penulis ingin berbagai cerita perihal pengalamannya dengan sepak bola.

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My Football Experience

Hello, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Thomas Detrio, you can call me Thomas. I would like to tell you about my football experience. It was at my Junior High School time, I was around thirteen years old. As I know, when I was at eight grade, I followed the football extracurricular. I had to practice how to be a good soccer player every Friday and Sunday . We practiced it in our school yard after class finished. My coach was Mr. Hermawan, he was so kind and funny. He told us how to kick the ball, block the ball and other tricks.

Every letter about soccer champion, he asked and guided the students to follow. Winning or failing champion was not priorities according to him, the most important for us was we could know the real competition with another team from another school. He was so discipline if one of his students came late, he punished.

Continue talking about my football experience, there was a champion in SMP N 2 Pringsewu. He announced to all and asked us to practice hard. He promised if we go the first winner, we would go to the beach. We were guided 2 weeks for training.

The champion schedule in the beginning of August, we were so nervous and along the competition we faced many teams. We made many goals. And the ending day, the master ceremony announced that our team was the first winner . He asked a vice of our team came to the stage to take the trophy. We were so happy, we yelled and laughed happily.

After going back, we had welcomed all the students and teacher at our school ceremonial. The head master gave thanking expression and gave us the holiday to the beach in the Sunday. That moment is my unforgettable football experience, I followed the football extracurricular in Senior High School too.


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Pengalaman Sepak Bolaku

Halo, izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan diri, nama saya adalah Thomas Detrio, Anda bisa memanggil saya Thomas. Saya ingin memberitahu Anda tentang pengalaman sepak bola saya. Ini adalah saat saya SMP, saya berusia sekitar tiga belas tahun. Yang saya tahu, ketika saya masih di delapan kelas, saya mengikuti ekstrakurikuler sepakbola. Aku harus berlatih bagaimana menjadi pemain sepak bola yang baik setiap hari Jumat dan Minggu. Kami berlatih di halaman sekolah kami setelah kelas selesai. Pelatih saya adalah pak Hermawan, dia begitu baik dan lucu. Dia mengatakan kepada kami bagaimana untuk menendang bola, memblok bola dan trik lainnya.

Setiap surat tentang kejuaraan sepak bola, ia meminta dan membimbing siswa untuk mengikuti. Menang atau gagal juara tidak prioritas menurut dia, yang paling penting bagi kita adalah kita bisa mengetahui persaingan yang nyata dengan tim lain dari sekolah lain. Dia begitu mendisiplinkan jika salah seorang siswa datang terlambat, dia dihukum.

Terus berbicara tentang pengalaman sepak bola saya, ada kejuaraan di SMP N 2 Pringsewu. Dia mengumumkan kepada semua dan meminta kami untuk berlatih keras. Dia berjanji jika kita menjadi pemenang pertama, kita akan pergi ke pantai. Kami dipandu 2 minggu untuk pelatihan.

Jadwal kejuaraan di awal Agustus, kami sangat gugup dan sepanjang kompetisi kita menghadapi banyak tim. Kami membuat banyak gol. Dan hari berakhir, upacara guru mengumumkan bahwa tim kami adalah pemenang pertama. Dia meminta wakil dari tim kami datang ke panggung untuk mengambil piala. Kami sangat senang, kami berteriak dan tertawa senang.

Setelah kembali, kami telah menyambut semua siswa dan guru di upacara sekolah kami. Kepala sekolah memberi berterima kasih kepada ekspresi dan memberi kami liburan ke pantai di hari Minggu. Saat itu adalah pengalaman sepak bola yang tak terlupakan, saya mengikuti ekstrakurikular sepak bola di SMA juga ..


Answer the questions below

  1. How old was the writer when he followed football extracurricular?
  1. How often did he exercise the football in the school?
  1. Who was his coach name?
  1. How did his coach look like?
  1. What would happen if the student came late?
  1. Where did the champion of football take place?
  1. How long did they practice before having the football competition?
  1. What did they get from the champion?
  1. What did the coach promise to the students?
  1. When did they go to the beach?

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  1. thirteen years old
  2. twice a week
  3. Hermawan
  4. he was so kind and funny
  5. the coach would punish
  6. in SMP N 2 Pringsewu
  7. 2 weeks
  8. the trophy
  9. had a holiday in the beach
  10. on Sunday


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Originally posted 2024-06-09 18:19:16.