Contoh Kata Pengantar Laporan atau Presentasi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Terjemah
Pembahasan perihal Laporan (Report) dan juga presentation tidak akan bisa lepas dari Ordering atau Kata Pengantar. Ordering tersebut dapat diartikan dengan hantaran atau kata pengantar yaitu bagian dari greeting (menyapa). Hataran atau Kata Pengantar tersebut berisi tentang urutan –urutan di dalam sebuah laporan atau pertemuan, hal tersebut ditujukan untuk memberikan point-point penting yang akan dibahas pada saat itu.
Adapun yang termasuk kata pengantar antara lain:
- First of all, we must bear in mind about ..
(Pertama-tama, kita harus selalu mengingat tentang..) - At the outset ,…
(Pada awalnya,…) - To begin with
(Untuk memulai dengan) - Firstly,
(Pertama,) - Secondly,
(Kedua,) - Thirdly
(Ketiga,) - Finally
(Terakhir,) - Dan lain sebagainya
Bukan hal yang susah untuk membuat atau menyertakan the ordering saat melaporkan hasil pengamatan ataupun diskusi yang akan disampaikan. Kalian cukup merumuskan sendiri hal apa yang akan kalian anggap itu pointnya. Yuk perhatikan contoh penggalan laporan maupun pertemuan yang didalamnya terdapat Order atau Pengantar:
…. As we know, all the life aspect can not be separated by the internet, we can assess about the information and communication by it. We can find the recipe of cake by internet, we can video call by internet, we can learn about lesson by internet and others purposes. But first of all, we must bear in mind what is the internet? …. [su_spoiler title=”Terjemah :” style=”simple” icon=”folder-1″] |
… Indonesia, our country has faces many problem. From the politic, economic, culture and others. Adding with the problem of the sex abuse which to be a big problem. To begin with sex abuse, we have to know the full meaning of se abuse it self. [su_spoiler title=”Terjemah :” style=”simple” icon=”folder-1″] |
… The government has decided to make the education in the elementary school and also the junior high school free, most of the people feel happy for it. But why there are still many children who do not study? We can see the example in different places. Firstly, low education in the village, we can see many children from the poor family who does not realize that the education is free. They still ask their children for helping them in the rice field. Secondly, low education in the city. Same reason in the village who does realize that education important one for the future. Still be seen in the big bridge or road, many children who is a bigger. [su_spoiler title=”Terjemah :” style=”simple” icon=”folder-1″] Pertama, pendidikan yang rendah di desa, kita dapat melihat banyak anak-anak dari keluarga miskin yang tidak menyadari bahwa pendidikan itu gratis. Mereka masih meminta anak-anak mereka untuk membantu mereka di sawah. Kedua, rendah pendidikan di kota. Alasan yang sama di desa yang menyadari bahwa pendidikan penting untuk masa depan. Masih dapat dilihat di jembatan besar atau jalan, banyak anak-anak yang lebih kaya. |
… Some years ago, our country has gotten the independent. The heroes kept our country from other colonial. But now, the teenagers do not realize and they almost forget the struggle of our heroes. They do not make a good habit, they use the drug, they do not study and other. Now, I am so concerning about them. To begin with our struggle in the global zone, let us remember our hero’s struggle. …
[su_spoiler title=”Terjemah :” style=”simple” icon=”folder-1″] |
.. We have seen many crime news in the television, heard from the radio, and read in the newspaper. Most of them about the abuse with the children and woman. At the outset about the stopping of children and woman abuse, we have to see the children and woman around us who need to be loved and taken care .. .. [su_spoiler title=”Terjemah :” style=”simple” icon=”folder-1″] |
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