5 Contoh Kalimat dan Kartu Undangan (Card of Invitation) Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

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5 Contoh Kalimat dan Kartu Undangan (Card of Invitation) Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru – Kali ini akan menghadirkan undangan atau ajakan dengan menggunakan media tertulis atau surat, kalau berbicara tentang surat, sudah pastinya kalian mengetahui bahwa kartu itu merupakan salah satu media komunikasi tertulis yang berisi tentang infomasi penting yang ingin disampaikan kepada alamat yang dituju, baik itu bersifat resmi ataupun tidak resmi.

Terlepas dari jenis kartu itu sendiri, kita satukan materi kita antara kartu and juga undangan, sehingga tercipta materi kartu undangan, ada banyak contoh yang bisa kita jadikan contoh nyatanya misalnya undangan makan malam, reuni, perpisahan dan lain sebagainya. Tapi jangan lupa untuk tetap menyertakan ungkapan undangan didalamnya seperti:

  • Please come to our wedding party next Saturday
    (Tolong datang ke pesta pernikahan kami sabtu depan)
  • I would like to invite you to follow the farewell party next week
    (Aku ingin mengundangmu mengikuti pesta perpisahan minggu depan)
  • I am so wonder if you are going to join us in reunion in our Senior High School
    (Aku sangat berharap kamu bergabung dengan kami di reuni SMA kita)
  • Don’t forget to enter meeting next Tuesday morning in room A
    (Jangan lupa untuk mengikuti pertemuan selasa depan di ruangan A)
  • I want to invite you to come to the inauguration of the best student this week
    (Aku ingin mengundangmu darang ke pelantikan murid terbaik minggu ini)
  • Dan lain sebagainya

Berikut ini beberapa contoh kartu undangan (Invitation card), agara kalian lebih mudah memahaminya.

[su_box title=”Invitation Card I” box_color=”#3041eb”]
May 3rd,  2017

Dear Meliyana,
My beloved friend, we have not met for three years and I feel so miss you much. Because of business and our working, we can not meet as impossible as we want. To make us in a same time, I would like to invite you and your small family have lunch together in our restaurant, Nada restaurant around 1 p.m on May 3rd.


  1. When will they have lunch together?
  2. When did the writer make the card?
  3. Has Meliyana got merried?

[su_box title=”Invitation Card II” box_color=”#3041eb”]
To all the teachers, you will be invited to meet in the hall room to annual meeting next Saturday around 3 p.m. after the students finish their study. The important of the meeting so the teacher must be punctual.

The headmaster

  1. For whom the cars is it?
  2. Will the meeting be held in the morning?
  3. What is the closest meaning of “punctual”?

[su_box title=”Invitation Card III” box_color=”#3041eb”]
Dear poppy,
My family will celebrate their anniversary of silver marriage, and want to invite you to make their party more interesting. Please come on Friday night in our palace. The barbeque will be as your menu. See you then.


  1. Who does have a anniversary party?
  2. When will the party be held?
  3. What is the main menu of the party?

[su_box title=”Invitation Card IV” box_color=”#3041eb”]
Dear Georgia

My elder sister, although you are in foreign country for studying, I keep inviting you to come o my sweet seventeen birthday party. If you don’t come, you have to promise me to give me a gift after getting home. Don’t forget on the sixth June. Love you so much and I miss you.


  1. Who is Pungky?
  2. When Pungky’s sweet seventeen party will be held?
  3. Is Georgia at home?

[su_box title=”Invitation Card V” box_color=”#3041eb”]
Diana, Palembang was my hometown, but now my hometown is Lampung. Here, I feel comfortable by the people, situation and working. And now, I have a own gallery which will be launched next month, please come to our launching on May 12th. It is located in front of Mekar cake and bakery.

Your best friend


  1. Where is Itta now?
  2. Where is Itta’s gallery taken place?
  3. Where was Itta’s hometown?

Demikian artikel pembahasan tentang”5 Contoh Kalimat dan Kartu Undangan (Card of Invitation) Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru“, semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa ikuti postingan kami berikutnya. See you

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Originally posted 2024-03-22 21:43:21.