Contoh Dialog Mendeskripsikan Seseorang Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

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Contoh Dialog Mendeskripsikan Seseorang Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Terjemah Dan Soal

Pada Kesempatan ini kita akan membahas tentang cara untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang atau benda dalam bahasa inggris. Kita menggunakan jenis Simple Present Tense untuk menggambarkan seseorang seperti jenis Descriptive text. Dibawah ini rumus dari Simple Present Tense, yaitu:

Verbal form
Affirmative : Subject + verb 1 (Es/s) + object
Negative : subject + do not/ does not + verb 1 + object
Interrogative : do/ does + subject + verb 1 + object
Nominal form
Affirmative : Subject + is/am/are + adverb/noun/adjective
Negative : subject + is/am/are + not + adverb/noun/adjective
Interrogative : is/am/are + subject + adverb/noun/adjective?


  • The flower looks so fresh (Bunga tampak begitu segar)
  • It is green and yellow (Hijau dan kuning)
  • That boy uses the black hat (Anak itu menggunakan topi hitam)
  • It is not square (Ini bukan persegi)
  • They are medium (Mereka adalah media)
  • Dan lain sebagainya

Berikut adalah contoh dialog percakapan tentang  mendeskripsikan seseorang atau sesuatu.

[su_box title=”Contoh Dialog” style=”bubbles” box_color=”#31c6d1″ radius=”1″]
Woman  : Security ! Security !
Security : Yes, Madam. What can I do for you?
(Ya, Nyonya. Apa yang dapat saya lakukan untuk Anda?)
Woman : Someone has stolen my purse when I was busy to choose the shirt here
(Seseorang telah mencuri dompet saya ketika aku sedang sibuk untuk memilih baju di sini)
Security : Where did you put your purse?
(Dimana Anda meletakkan tas Anda?)
Woman : In my bag
(Di tas saya)
Security  : What did your purse contain of?
(Berisi apa dompet anda?)
Woman : My money, my credit card, my identity card and others important cards.
(Uang saya, kartu kredit, kartu identitas saya dan kartu penting lainnya.)
Security : did you see the thief?
(Apakah Anda melihat pencurinya?)
Woman : Yes, I did. She is tall and thin.
( Ya, melihatnya. Ia tinggi dan kurus.)
Security: what did he put off?
(Apa yang ia kenakan?)
Woman: She wears black jacket and blue jeans, oh I remember he uses green hat too
(Dia memakai jaket hitam dan celana jeans biru, oh aku ingat dia menggunakan topi hijau juga)
Security : and about old is he?
(Dan tentang umurnya?)
Woman  : She is fairly young, I think that she is in mid teens. Hmm, she is about sixteen or seventeen
(Dia cukup muda, saya berpikir bahwa dia adalah di pertengahan remaja. Hmm, dia adalah sekitar enam belas atau tujuh belas)
Security : What did his hair color?
(Apakah warna rambutnya?)
Woman : Her hair is long and black
(Rambutnya panjang dan hitam)
Security : Eyes?
Woman : I don’t know exactly, it all happened so fast.
(Saya tidak tahu persis, Semua itu terjadi begitu cepat.)
Security : Ok, I will call the gate officer and security to check everyone who wants to exit from here, this afternoon
(Ok, saya akan memanggil petugas gerbang dan keamanan untuk memeriksa semua orang yang ingin keluar dari sini, siang ini)



  1. Where did the conversation happen?
  2. When did the conversation happen?
  3. Why did the woman call the security?
  4. What did the purse contain of?
  5. What does the thief look like?
  6. Did the thieve use the black jeans?
  7. What was she doing when the incident happened?
  8. Did she see the thieve?
  9. What was color of hair thief?
  10. What can we take from the situation?

[su_spoiler title=”Key Answer :” style=”simple” icon=”folder-1″]

  1. In the department store
  2. In the afternoon
  3. Someone has stolen her purse from her bag
  4. Her credit card, money, others important cards and identity card
  5. She is tall and thin, she wears black jacket and blue jeans, she uses green hat, he is fairly young, she is in mid teens, she is about sixteen or seventeen and her hair is long and black
  6. No, he didn’t
  7. Choose the shirt
  8. Yes, she did
  9. Long and black
  10. We have to be careful in the crowded place


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