Asking for Someone's Identity

Contoh Dialog Asking for Someone’s Identity Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Contoh Dialog Asking for Someone’s Identity Dalam Bahasa Inggris  – Di dalam bahasa inggris kita mengenal dengan istilah ask for the identity someone, merupakan salah satu cara yang bisa kita tempuh untuk mengumpulkan informasi tentang identitas seseorang yang diperlukan. Ada beberapa hal yang bisa kita jadikan acuan untuk meminta infomasi tentang seseorang, antara lain sebagai berikut :

  • May I know, what your full name is?
    (Bolehkah saya tahu, apa nama lengkapmu?)
  • Where do you live now?
    (Dimana kamu tinggal sekarang?)
  • How old are you now?
    (Berapa umurmu sekarang?)
  • Are you a teacher?
    (Apakah kamu seorang guru?)
  • What class are you in now?
    (Sekarang kamu kelas berapa?)
  • Is she single woman?
    (Apakah dia wanita single?)
  • Can you give me you phone number, please?
    (Dapatkah kamu memberiku nomor ponselmu, tolong?)
  • Is your father a postman?
    (Apakah ayahmu seorang tukang pos?)
  • Please say your nick name
    (Tolong katakan nama panggilanmu)
  • Dan lain sebagainya

Berikut adalah contoh percakapan tentang asking for someone’s identity

[su_box title=”Conversation I” box_color=”#118eb2″]
Ekky : I hear that there is a new student in our class.
(Aku dengar bahwa ada murid baru di kelas kita.)
Mona : Yes, there is. How do you know it, you were absent yesterday
(Ya, ada. Bagaimana kamu tahu itu, kamu tidak hadir kemarin)
Ekky: When I get the classroom, Lovita told me about her.
(Ketika aku sampai kelas, Lovita mengatakan kepadaku tentang dia.)
Mona : She is in front of the teacher office now
(Dia di depan kantor guru sekarang)
Ekky : Is she a new student in our class?
(Apakah dia murid baru di kelas kita?)
Mona : Yes,
Ekky : What is her name?
(Siapa namanya?)
Mona : Michaela
Ekky : Where does she come from?
(Darimana dia berasal?)
Mona : She comes from Majalengka, but she has to follow her parents here
(Dia berasal dari Majalengka, tapi dia harus mengikuti orang tuanya di sini)
——————Michaela walks them (Michaela berjalan ke mereka)———–
Mona : Mika, let me introduce our friend , Ekky
(Mika, izinkan aku memperkenalkan teman kita, Ekky)
Mika : Hai, I am Michaela but please call me Mika, nice to meet you
(Hai, aku Michaela tapi tolong panggil aku Mika, senang bertemu denganmu)
Ekky : I am Ekky, nice to meet you too.
(Aku Ekky, senang bertemu denganmu juga.)
————-the bell rings (Bel berbunyi)—————–
Mona: The bell is ringing, lets come in the classroom, now
(Lonceng  sudah berdering, mari kita ke kelas, sekarang)

  1. Where does the conversation take place?
  2. Who is the new student in the classroom?
  3. Have Ekky known Mika before?

[su_box title=”Conversation II” box_color=”#118eb2″]
Milla ; May I sit here?
(Bolehkah saya duduk disini?)
Renny : Yes of course,
(Ya, tentu saja)
Milla : Hai, I am Milla, what is your name?
(Hai, aku Milla, Siapa namamu?)
Renny : Hai, my name is Renny. Where do you live?
(Hai, namaku Renny. Dimana kamu tinggal?)
Milla : I live in Batu Asin, and  how about you?
(Aku tinggal di Batu Asin, dan bagaimana denganmu?)
Renny: I live in Kota baru. Where will you go?
(Aku tinggal di Kota Baru. Kemana kamu akan pergi?)
Milla : I have been missed by the school bus so I must wait the bus here. And where is your school?
(Aku sudah ketinggalan bus sekolahku jadi aku menunggu bus disini. Dan dimana kamu bersekolah?
Renny  : In Global Education School
(Di Global Education School)
—(to becontinued/berlanjut)—

  1. When did the dialogue take place?
  2. Where did the dialogue take place?
  3. Where does Renny study?

[su_box title=”Conversation III” box_color=”#118eb2″]
Wulan : Henny, let me introduce you to my husband
(Henny, ayo aku kenalkan kamu pada suamiku)
Henny : Henny, what is your name?
(Henny, siapa namamu?)
Bento : I am Bento, nice to meet you
(Aku Bento, senang bertemu denganmu)
Henny   : Nice to meet you too. Where did you meet her?
(Senang bertemu denganmu juga. Dimana kamu bertemu dengannya?)
Bento : In my office
(Di kantorku)
Henny : Where does you work?
(Dimana kamu bekerja?)
Bento : In Cental Bank. What is your job?
(Di Cental Bank. Apa pekerjaanmu
Henny : I am teacher in kinder garden
(Aku guru di taman kanak-kanak)

  1. Who is Wulan’s husband?
  2. Where did they meet at first time?
  3. What does Henny do?

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Originally posted 2024-03-12 01:18:17.