Cara Mengungkapkan Ekspresi Kesukaan (How to Express Preference) Dan Contoh Soal Latihan

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How to Express Preference Lengkap Dengan Pola Contoh Kalimat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Soal Latihan

Hi .. Sahabat SBI (Study bahasa Inggris), ngomong-ngomong kalau kalian di suruh milih antara jalan-jalan ke Luar Negri atau Belajar ke Mesir , kalian lebih suka yang mana yaa ?? Yaps, pasti jawaban kalian berbeda-beda namun kali ini saya akan berbagi pengetahuan mengenai “Cara Mengungkapkan Ekspresi Kesukaan”, mau tahu seperti apa ? yuk sahabat SBI, simak artikel di bawah ini ……..

There are many ways to express preference if we want to say that we love/like fond of something more than others we can use these formula :

1. Would rather

[su_note note_color=”#d4ebfe” radius=”0″] S + would rather + infinitive + than + infinitive [/su_note]

Contoh :

  • Adi would rather write than read.
  • She would rather walk than run.
  • Sundari would rather face the problem than run from it.

2. Would prefer

[su_note note_color=”#d4ebfe” radius=”0″] S + would prefer + to infinitive + rather than + to infinitive [/su_note]

Contoh :

  • They would prefer to follow the test rather than just to stay at home.
  • Didik would prefer to operate to computer rather than to play football.
  • Erna would prefer to watch plays of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ rather than to play it.

3. Like

[su_note note_color=”#d4ebfe” radius=”0″] S + like + noun/gerund + better than + noun/gerund [/su_note]

Contoh :

  • Dani like Titin better than Leli
  • They like drinking a cup of coffee better than ice tea.
  • She likes me better than Heri.

4. Prefer

[su_note note_color=”#d4ebfe” radius=”0″] S + prefer + noun/gerund + to + noun/gerund [/su_note]

Contoh :

  • Adi prefers motorcycle to car.
  • Yayuk prefers walking to cycling.
  • They prefer horse to camel.

But if we want to choose one from the choice or we prefer ones than the others offered to us, so we can use this formula :

[su_note note_color=”#d4ebfe” radius=”0″] S + like + choice A/B [/su_note]

From the question :

  • Which + noun + do/does + S +like + choice A/B ?
  • Which one + do/does + S + like + choice A/B ?

Contoh :

  1. A : Which cars do you like, van or pick up ?
    B : I like pick up.
  1. A : Which one does your friend like, read apple or green apple?
    B : She like read apple.


1. They prefer cycling ……. Riding motorcycle.

a. To
b. Rather than
c. Than
d. Rather
e. Because

2. A : “ ………………..,mango or pineapple ?”
B : “ I like pineapple.”
Fill in the blank, with correct question is ..

a. Which fruit do you like
b. Which one
c. Choose
d. Which one Adi likes
e. Which like

3. A : “ Which one does your father like, meatball or chicken noodle ?”
B : “ ……………………
Fill in the blank, with correct answer is ..

a. He likes chicken noodle
b. He prefers meatball than chicken noodle
c. He like meatball and noodle
d. Meatball
e. Chicken noodle

Do these task like the following example !

Example : Adi drinks a cup of coffee. He doesn’t drinks tea.

  1. Adi would rather drink a cup of coffee than tea.
  2. Adi would prefer to drink a cup of coffee rather than tea.
  3. Adi likes drink a cup of coffee better than tea.
  4. Adi prefer drinking a cup of coffee to tea.


1. Ida likes Heri. She doesn’t like Adi.

a. ………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………….
d. ……………………………………………….

2. Joko go to river for fishing. Joko doesn’t go to fish pond.

a. ………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………….
d. ……………………………………………….

3. We do this job. We don’t do that job.

a. ………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………….
d. ……………………………………………….

4. Sindari collect the unique stone. She doesn’t collect the stamps.

a. ………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………….
d. ……………………………………………….

5. Leli cans sing well. She can’t dance well.

a. ………………………………………………..
b. ……………………………………………….
c. ……………………………………………….
d. ……………………………………………….

Sahabat SBI (Study bahasa Inggris ), Ayo belajar !! share ke teman-teman yang lain yaa tentang materi yang kita bahas pada kesempatan ini yaitu “ How to Express Preference”, karena ILMU TAK AKAN HABIS JIKA DI BAGI, TIDAK SEPERTI HARTA BENDA. Salam Hangat selalu sahabat SBI……

Originally posted 2024-04-15 01:38:16.