Condolence Card For Missing Someone

6 Contoh Condolence Card For Missing Someone Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

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6 Contoh Condolence Card For Missing Someone Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru – Pada hari ini kita akan membahas tentang the condolence card for the missing someone yaitu kartu untuk mengungkapkan rasa bela sungkawa terhadap seseorang yang kehilangan salah satu anggota keluarga atau sahabat , berikut beberapa contoh condolence card for the missing someone.

[su_box title=”The condolence card for the missing someone 1″ box_color=”#3041eb”]
We are very sorry that one of your family has not been found, hope he will be found soon by the police . And your family can be more patient to face it
Theo Thomson Gilberth

  1. Who is the sender?
  2. Has she been reported to the police?
  3. Has she been found?

[su_box title=”The condolence card for the missing someone 2″ box_color=”#3041eb”]
I heard that Miranda, your daughter was lost at the traditional market since last month. I hope that she will be found in her good healthy. You have to struggle to find. I pray for her too.

  1. Who is lost?
  2. Where did she lose?
  3. How long did she lose?

[su_box title=”The condolence card for the missing someone 3″ box_color=”#3041eb”]
We are very sorry and sad for your losing Tino, we are sure that he will be right wherever. John has called me to tell it, he has reported to the police office in his town too.
Bobby Reger

  1. How did Bobby know that Tino lose?
  2. Who is lost?
  3. Is it reported in only one police office?

[su_box title=”The condolence card for the missing someone 4″ box_color=”#3041eb”]
Leticya, forgive me have not visited you, we are sorry to hear that your Tina Lin has lost. I have announced in the radio and newspaper. We wish there is a good news of her. You have to be stronger . we always will help you whenever you need
Your brother, Metthew

  1. Who is Letcya?
  2. How has he done to find her?
  3. Is there any news of her?

[su_box title=”The condolence card for the missing someone 5″ box_color=”#3041eb”]
Kinara, my friend. I am so sorry to hear that your grandfather has lost. How about the newest news of her? I have shared his image in the social media too,  I hope that he will be found by us.
Monalisa Anna

  1. Who is lost?
  2. How has been done by Monalisa to find her grandfather?
  3. Who is the receiver?

[su_box title=”The condolence card for the missing someone 6″ box_color=”#3041eb”]
Helena has been announced in the television, I have just known that she lost. May she will be found soon and you are well now. we are to sorry after hearing that announcement but i believe she will be alright

  1. Who is lost?
  2. Who is the sender?
  3. How has been done to find her?

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Originally posted 2024-03-25 09:48:19.