Expression Fear ( Ungkapan Rasa Ketakutan) dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dengan Contoh Percakapannya
Merasakan takut kehilangan seseorang, takut mendapat nilai ulangan buruk, atau takut melakukan kesalahan lalu akan di marah orang tua, atau merasakan takut untuk melakukan sesuatu hal yang baru dalam hidup ini. Segala rasa takut itu wajar di alami setiap manusia lalu Sahabat SBI ( Study bahasa Inggris) dalam menyatakan rasa Ketakutan (Fear) terhadap sesuatu, dalam bahasa Inggris dengan ungkapan yang biasa digunakan dalam percakapan Bahasa Inggris adalah :
Fear (ungkapan ketakutan) :
Fear |
Respon |
I am afraid I am feared I am scared I am terrified The sound is horrifying You scare me It’s frightening. It’s horrible The sight terrified me so much. The fear is creeping in my heart. I can’t forget that terrible experience. Don’t be scared |
Don’t be afraid There is nothing to be afraid of It is nothing |
Untuk lebih memahami penggunaan ungkapan di atas perhatikan contoh percakapan di bawah ini
Dialogue 1 :
Mrs John : Oh , my God. I thing something wrong has happened to this plane ?
Flight Attendant : No, don’t worry. It’s usual. The plane is about to take off
Mr John : Are you still afraid no ?
Mrs John : Yes, I am. Look ! The water is getting into our cabin
Mr John : Don’t be afraid. We will be OK
Mrs John : I’m so scared of the wolf, dad
Mr John : Don’t be scared. The wolf is outside of the house
Dialogue 2 :
Raihan : hey, Yadi. I saw you at the 21 Cinema last night. Were you watching a movie?
Yadi : Oh, yes.
Raihan : really? What film was it?
Yadi : “Malam Satu Suro”
Raihan : it must be a horror film. Tell me about it.
Yadi : well, .. the story was about a beautiful girl walking home alone at night!
Raihan : oh, why did she do that? A girl walking home alone … at night!
Yadi : well, I don’t know for sure. Next time I’ll ask the film director, okay?
Raihan : okay, okay, calm down, please. Don’t be mad.
Yadi : well, on the way home she met three drunken men. You know what?
Raihan : of cource, I don’t know. You saw the film, I didn’t!
Yadi : ha… ha… ha… you look so funny in such an expression. Okay, let me countinue. These three men raped her brutally.
Raihan : oh my …. ! poor girl!
Yadi : and then, they killed the girl cruelly and threw her body into some bushes.
Raihan : really? Oh, damn them!
Yadi : after that the girl’s soul, of course, could not res peacefully and turned into a ghost.
Raihan : oh, that’s scary. Look, the hair on my neck is standing up.
Yadi : don’t be afraid. At the end of the story, the ghost took revenge on them.
Raihan : well, it served them right after all.
Nah Sahabat SBI, sudah bisa kan mengungkapkan rasa ketakutan dalam bahasa Inggris ? Namun, jangan pernah takut untuk terus belajar dalam meraih sukses mu … “ You’ll never be brave if you don’t get hurt, You’ll never learn if you dpn’t make mistakes, You’ll never be successful if you don’t encounter failure.” Sampai jumpa pada postingan kami selanjutnya….. bye !
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Originally posted 2024-05-04 06:09:11.